Verification and Validation of MOM6

  • Alistair Adcroft
  • Robert Hallberg
  • Marshall Ward

2020 June 8


Am I building the product right?


Am I building the right product?

Barry Boehm, Software Risk Management (1989)


What are the design specifications of my model?

  • Does it compile on target platforms?
  • Are the equations dimensionally consistent?
  • Does parallelization change the answers?

Verification is the confirmation of design specifications.


Does our model meet operational needs?

  • Does it produce realistic simulations?
  • Are relevant physical features present?
  • Can I reproduce my old simulations?

Validation is an assessment of the final product.

V&V in Development

Waterfall V-model

MOM6 Development


V&V in MOM6


  • Fork from a community repository
  • Implement feature
  • Submit as Pull Request™ (PR)
  • Trigger V&V events
    • Automated verification
    • Manual validation

All contributions must pass verification and validation before merge.

MOM6 Verification


All changes sent to CI (Travis) for verification

Verification Tests

Test Description
grid Symmetric/Asymmetric memory grids
layout 1×1 and 2×1 domain decomposition
rotation Index rotation
restart Restart at mid-run
repro Optimized reproducible mode
openmp OpenMP (single-thread)
nan NaN array initialization
dim Dimensional scaling

Each test requires bit reproducibility

Tests in Action

image image



What if we want answers to change?

MOM6 Validation


Current validation includes over 60 tests

Hub Validation


Solution verification


Step,       Day,  Truncs,      Energy/Mass,      Maximum CFL,  Mean Sea Level,  Total Mass,  Mean Salin, Mean Temp, Frac Mass Err,   Salin Err,    Temp Err
          [days]                 [m2 s-2]           [Nondim]       [m]             [kg]         [PSU]      [degC]       [Nondim]        [PSU]        [degC]
   0,       0.000,     0, En 7.2161166068132286E-27, CFL  0.00000, SL  1.8190E-12, M 1.39637E+20, S 35.0000, T 13.3483, Me  0.00E+00, Se  0.00E+00, Te  0.00E+00
  12,       0.500,     0, En 2.7781004671136538E-04, CFL  0.00011, SL  1.1369E-12, M 1.39637E+20, S 35.0000, T 13.3484, Me -6.09E-17, Se -3.90E-15, Te -1.17E-15
  24,       1.000,     0, En 2.7734897826598717E-04, CFL  0.00014, SL  1.8190E-12, M 1.39637E+20, S 35.0000, T 13.3486, Me  2.89E-17, Se  8.80E-17, Te -2.88E-16

Based on global metrics (energy, mass, etc)

Diagnostic verification


u-point: mean=   1.1239682303793666E-04 min=  -6.7187595818683776E-03 max=   3.3480219779204019E-02 ocean_model-u
u-point: c=     21851 ocean_model-u
v-point: mean=   1.2076392816784489E-03 min=  -8.3469699425156359E-03 max=   6.8420831486068704E-03 ocean_model-v
v-point: c=     18606 ocean_model-v
h-point: mean=   3.6490088139048595E+02 min=   9.9999999999999915E-04 max=   5.6265092225099863E+02 ocean_model-h
h-point: c=     18673 ocean_model-h

Min, max, mean, bitcount for every diagnostic

Bit Reproducibility

Verification requires bit reproducibility

Identical code and input, different math libraries (c/o Foone)

Floating Point Review


\[\phi \equiv (-1)^{\color{yellow}s} \times 2^{\color{aquamarine}M} \times (1 + {\color{pink}\alpha})\]

  • Smallest fractional diff: \(2^{-52} \approx 2.2 \times 10^{-16}\)
  • 17 digits to uniquely specify a result

Addition Associativity

What is \(10^{-16} + 1 - 1\)?

\[\begin{aligned} (10^{-16} + 1) - 1 &= 0 \\ 10^{-16} + (1 - 1) &\equiv 10^{-16} \end{aligned}\]

Residuals below \(2\times10^{-16}\) may be lost.

More Addition Examples

Let \(s = 1 + 2 \times 10^{-16}\). What is \((s + 1) - 1\)?

\[\begin{aligned} s + 1 &= 2 \\ (s + 1) - 1 &= 1 \neq s \end{aligned}\]

Manipulation of \(s\) shifted the least resolvable value.

Multiplication associativity

If \(a = b = 1.5\), and \(c = 1 + 2^{-52}\), then

\[\begin{aligned} (a \times b) \times c &\equiv 2.25 + 2^{-51} \\ a \times (b \times c) &\equiv 2.25 + 2^{-50} \end{aligned}\]

(Actual results depend on rounding rules)

Sample program

program rounding
  use iso_fortran_env, only : real64
  implicit none

  real(kind=real64) :: a, b, c

  a = 1.5
  b = 1.5
  c = 1.0000000000000002_real64

  print '(a, es23.17)', "(a * b) * c = ", (a * b) * c
  print '(a, es23.17)', "a * (b * c) = ", a * (b * c)
end program rounding

Integrity of parentheses

V&V requires integrity of parentheses

GCC Fortran

gfortran -fprotect-parens ...    # default
gfortran -Ofast ...              # Sets -fno-protect-parens

Intel Fortran

ifort -assume protect-parens     # Not default

Note: Fortran requires this!

Division Performance

Minimize division operations:

x = a / b / c           ! Bad
x = a / (b * c)         ! Good

y = 1. / (1. + 1./c)    ! Bad
y = c / (c + 1.)        ! Good

Store common divisions:

I_dx = 1.0 / dx
dudx = I_dx * (u(i+1) - u(i))
dvdx = I_dx * (v(i+1) - v(i))

Divisions are slower and more unpredictable

Parallel Summation

How to compute reproducible means or global sums?

  • Enforce ordering

    \[\sum{\phi} = (\phi_1 + (\phi_2 + ( \phi_3 + ... )))\]

  • Fixed-precision arithmetic


Associative Scaling

Recall the floating point format

\[\phi \equiv (-1)^{\color{yellow}s} \times 2^{\color{yellow}M} \times (1 + {\color{yellow}\alpha})\]

Power-of-two multiplication is associative

\[2^N \times \phi \times 2^{-N} \equiv \phi\]

Dimension Scaling

Fields rescaled by dimensions should be invariant

\[\begin{aligned} u^{n+1} &= u^{n} + \Delta t \times \mathcal{F} \\ {\color{yellow}2^{L-T}} u^{n+1} &= {\color{yellow}2^{L-T}} u^{n} + {\color{yellow}2^T} \Delta t \times {\color{yellow}2^{L - 2T}} \mathcal{F} \end{aligned}\]

Dimensional factors

Unit Scaling Name
s T Time
m L Horizontal length
m H Layer thickness
m Z Vertical length
kg/m3 R Density
J/kg Q Enthalpy

Defining Dimensions

Input parameters

call get_param(... , "DT", ... , scale=US%s_to_T)

Explicit constants

eps_vel = 1.0e-10 * US%m_s_to_L_T
ustar = 0.01 * US%m_to_Z * US%T_to_s

Diagnostic registration

call register_diag_field(..., "u", ... , conversion=US%L_T_to_m_s)

Index Rotation

image image


Rotation Invariance


Solutions must be invariant to index rotation, e.g.:

\[\phi(i',j') = \phi(j, N-i)\]

Both fields and coordinates are remapped.

Note: \(u\) and \(v\) are velocities along \(i\) and \(j\)!

Rotational Consistency

beta_topo_x = -CS%MEKE_topographic_beta * FatH * 0.5 * ( &
              (G%bathyT(i+1,j)-G%bathyT(i,j)) * G%IdxCu(I,j)  &
          / max(G%bathyT(i+1,j),G%bathyT(i,j), GV%H_subroundoff) &
      +       (G%bathyT(i,j)-G%bathyT(i-1,j)) * G%IdxCu(I-1,j) &
          / max(G%bathyT(i,j),G%bathyT(i-1,j), GV%H_subroundoff) )

beta_topo_y = -CS%MEKE_topographic_beta * FatH * 0.5 * ( &
              (G%bathyT(i,j+1)-G%bathyT(i,j)) * G%IdyCv(i,J)  &
          / max(G%bathyT(i,j+1),G%bathyT(i,j), GV%H_subroundoff) + &
              (G%bathyT(i,j)-G%bathyT(i,j-1)) * G%IdyCv(i,J-1) &
          / max(G%bathyT(i,j),G%bathyT(i,j-1), GV%H_subroundoff) )

Index rotation ensures directional consistency

Invariant stencils

\(\phi^{(c)}_{i,j} = \frac{1}{4} (\phi_A + \phi_B + \phi_C + \phi_D)\)


image \(\frac{1}{4} ( (\phi_A + \phi_B) + (\phi_C + \phi_D) )\)
image \(\frac{1}{4} ( (\phi_A + \phi_D) + (\phi_B + \phi_C) )\)

Rotational ordering

When all else fails, reorder the algorithm:

subroutine advect_tracer(...)
   ! ...
   x_first = modulo(turns, 2) == 1
   if (x_first) then
      call advect_x(...)
      call advect_y(...)
      call advect_y(...)
      call advect_x(...)
end subroutine advect_tracer


  • MOM6 test suite:
    • Verification of design requirements
      • Universal invariance rules
    • Validation of solutions
      • Site-specific regression tests
  • Bit reproducibility is essential, and achievable!
  • Over 40 bugs have been detected and fixed

Dimensional scaling example

Kd_lay(i,j,k-1) = Kd_lay(i,j,k-1) + 0.5**KS_extra(i,K)
Kd_lay(i,j,k)   = Kd_lay(i,j,k)   + 0.5**KS_extra(i,K)

\(\ldots + \left(\tfrac{1}{2}\right)^{\kappa_S}\)?

Rotational example

subroutine thickness_diffuse_full
   Work_u(I,j) = Work_u(I,j) + G_scale * (...)
   Work_v(i,J) = Work_v(i,J) - G_scale * (...)
end subroutine thickness_diffuse_full

Indexing example

Assumed 1-based start index

subroutine register_time_deriv(...)
   real, dimension(:,:,:), target :: f_ptr
   real, dimension(:,:,:), target :: deriv_ptr
   ! ...
end subroutine register_time_deriv

Fails for 0-based symmetric memory grids!

Another indexing example


Extended domain to accommodate symmetric grids:

do J=js,je ; do i=is,ie
   h_vel = 0.5*((htot_fast(i,j) + htot_fast(i+1,j)) + h_neglect)
   uDml_diag(I,j) = uDml_diag(I,j) / (0.01*h_vel) * G%IdyCu(I,j) * (PSI(0.)-PSI(-.01))
enddo ; enddo
do J=js,je ; do i=is-1,ie
   h_vel = 0.5*((htot_fast(i,j) + htot_fast(i+1,j)) + h_neglect)
   uDml_diag(I,j) = uDml_diag(I,j) / (0.01*h_vel) * G%IdyCu(I,j) * (PSI(0.)-PSI(-.01))
enddo ; enddo

Development Guidelines

  1. Use parentheses!
    1. Are they honored?
    2. Am I preserving residuals?
  2. Use reproducing_sum()
    1. Even better: Don't do global sums!
  3. Assign dimensions
  4. Use rotationally invariant stencils
  5. Test early and often