MOM5, MOM6, and NEMO performance overview

Marshall Ward
National Computational Infrastructure

NCI Optimization Project

NCI Optimization Project partners
  • ACCESS profiling:
    • UM
    • MOM
    • CICE
    • ROMS
  • Expansion to new fields
    • Landsat processing
    • Lattice QCD
    • Magnetotellurgy
    • Bioinformatics
  • Tools and methodologies

Model configurations

Model Config Horizontal Vertical
MOM 5.1 "CM2.5" 1440 x 1080 50
NEMO 3.4 ORCA 0.25° 1442 x 1021 46
MOM 6 OM4 1440 x 1080 75

  • Serial ocean-ice coupling
  • 10-day runtime
  • No model output

Model configurations

Model Config Timestep Barotropic Split
MOM 5.1 "CM2.5" 1800 s 22.5 s $\frac{1}{80}$
NEMO 3.4 ORCA 0.25° 1440 s 24 s (1/60)
MOM 6 OM4 1200 s dynamic

Ocean runtime

Sea ice runtime


MPI Initialisation

1-year simulation times

Model CPUs CPU Hrs Time (s) yr/day
MOM 5 960 1868.0 7088.2 12.1
1920 2126.3 3986.8 21.7
NEMO 480 1068.0 8043.6 10.7
1920 1964.2 3753.6 23.0
MOM 6 480 3910.1 29363.1 2.9
960 4458.6 16756.5 5.2
1920 5154.6 9718.3 8.9
3840 6349.0 6057.2 14.3

1 year, MOM 5 vs NEMO

Model CPUs CPU Hrs Time (s) yr/day
MOM 480 1832.4 13783.9 12.1
960 1868.0 7088.2 12.1
1920 2126.3 3986.8 21.7
3840 4075.2 3995.6 21.6
NEMO 480 1068.0 8043.6 10.7
960 1368.8 5132.9 16.8
1920 1964.2 3753.6 23.0
3840 3547.8 3413.9 25.3

1 year, MOM 5 vs MOM 6

Model CPUs CPU Hrs Time (s) yr/day
MOM 480 1832.4 13783.9 12.1
960 1868.0 7088.2 12.1
1920 2126.3 3986.8 21.7
3840 4075.2 3995.6 21.6
MOM 6 480 3910.1 29363.1 2.9
960 4458.6 16756.5 5.2
1920 5154.6 9718.3 8.9
3840 6349.0 6057.2 14.3

Concurrent 1-year MOM 5

CPUs Runtime (s) CPU Hrs yr/day
960s 7364.9 1966.1 11.7
1920s 3986.8 2126.3 21.7
2240c 3347.5 2112.4 25.8
3840s 2504.3 2776.5 34.5
4480c 1919.6 2510.0 45.0
8960c 1500.9 3964.8 57.6

MOM 5 subroutine comparison

MOM 5: Tracer advection

MOM 5: Barotropic solver

MOM 5: Free surface smoothing

MOM 5: Runtime diagnostics

MOM 5: Surface field interpolation (2D)

NEMO subroutine comparison

NEMO: Surface pressure gradient

NEMO: Tracer advection

NEMO: Runtime diagnostics

NEMO: Tracer relaxation (damping)

MOM 6 subroutine comparison

MOM 6: Dynamics

MOM 6: Halo updates

MOM 6: TODO "Diabatic"

MOM 6: Tracer advection

MOM 6 dynamics components

MOM 6 dynamics: Halo updates

MOM 6 dynamics: Barotropic timestep

MOM 6 dynamics: Mass/Volume continuity

MOM 6 dynamics: "Pressure force"

MOM 6 dynamics: "set dtbt"

MOM 5 vectorisation

Subroutine FLOPs % vector
MAIN 2.04e+10 0.881
update_ocean_model 1.87e+10 0.91
update_ocean_tracer 8.40e+09 0.929
vert_mix_coeff 2.04e+09 0.809
ocean_explicit_accel_a 1.95e+09 0.928
update_ocean_barotropic 1.80e+09 0.945
ocean_eta_smooth 1.78e+07 0.875
update_ice_model_slow_dn 7.48e+08 0.832

NEMO 3.4 vectorisation

Subroutine FLOPs % vector
stp 1.32e+10 0.55
dyn_spg 1.85e+09 0.96
tra_adv 1.31e+09 0.601
tra_dmp 4.18e+07 0.934
ldf_slp 7.47e+08 0.375
sbc 3.90e+09 0.0621
sbc_ice_lim_2 3.80e+09 0.0435
lim_dyn_2 3.61e+09 0.0134

MOM 6 vectorisation

Subroutine FLOPs % vector
MAIN 5.20e+10 0.653
update_ocean_model 5.00e+10 0.657
step_mom_dyn_split_rk2 3.80e+10 0.677
ale_main 9.85e+07 0.598
diabatic 3.54e+09 0.476
mixedlayer_restrat 1.83e+09 0.569
advect_tracer 1.17e+09 0.892
update_ice_model_slow_dn 1.08e+09 0.769

MOM 6 dynamics vectorisation

Subroutine FLOPs % vector
step_mom_dyn_split_rk2 3.80e+10 0.677
btstep 4.35e+09 0.638
do_group_pass 2.40e+03 0.0
continuity 1.51e+07 0.874
set_dtbt 5.07e+04 0.248
pressureforce 1.55e+10 0.795
set_viscous_bbl 2.23e+08 0.49


  • NEMO
    • Fastest serial computation
    • Lowest memory usage
    • Severe barotropic scaling constraint
  • MOM 5
    • Strong scalability
    • High vectorisation (~90%)
    • Significant barotropic scaling limit
  • MOM 6
    • Scaling efficiency loss after 960 CPUs
    • Moderate vectorisation (~65%)

MOM 5, 0.1° scaling

MOM 5, 0.1° subroutines